Sunday, May 19, 2013

Blog 25: Mentorship

  • Total mentorship hours and description of what I did: Mentorship
  • My mentor is Laura Murillo. Her work number is (562) 801-5088. Her email is
I believe the most important thing I gained from this experience is knowing how to communicate with the students. I saw first-hand how Mrs. Murillo taught her students and how she kept them interested with the work they needed to do. She was very informative with the concepts, especially if the students did not understand a thing. She grabbed their attention by included them into the class discussions. She was even witty with her students if they were getting off task. After seeing all this, I was able to communicate with the students when I helped them in saturday school. I also used these techniques to tutor the students at I-Poly.

This experience has helped me back up my second answer for my essential question, which is connecting with the students. I realized that the students who were more open to Mrs. Murillo and asked for help were the ones that did better in her class. When Mrs. Murillo included shy students into their discussions, they were able to understand how to do a problem. If the students were getting off task, Mrs. Murillo would use them as examples in problems to grab their attention and keep them focused. It was basically a confirmation that connecting with students is, indeed, an important answer to my EQ.

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